Cara Mengatasi Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access license

1. Jika mendapatkan pesan error di Remote Desktop Connection ketika kamu mencoba menyambungkan PC kalian seperti ini: “Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact the server administrator

Solusinya adalah hapus/delete the following registry key(dapat di temukan di run> ketik regedit > lalu cari sub-subnya sampai ketemu dengan MS Liscensing): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSLicensing

Coba konekan/sambung lagi. Jika tidak berjalan dan mendapatkan pesan seperti ini: “The remote computer disconnected the session because of an error in the licensing protocol“;

yang harus kalian lakukan adalah klik kanan ikon Remote Desktop Connection dan pilih “Run as Administrator“.
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